What is Acupuncture ?
Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese form of medicine which has been used in China for the last 3000 years. Its effectiveness is now accepted in various countries including New Zealand,especially as more people in our society dislike taking medical drugs.
Acupuncture is the most well known aspect of Chinese Medicine and may be used alone or in conjunction with herbal medicine, moxibustion (the heating of specific acupuncture points using the herb Artemisia), or Tui na (Chinese massage). It is likely that the acupuncture practitioner will also offer dietary and lifestyle advice or suggest a course of exercise.
Acupuncture aims at treating the person along with the disease.This means that the acupuncturists looks at the patient as a whole,finds the cause of the illness and the imbalance in the body causing it.With its unique system of diagnosis, an acupuncturist will ask not only details of the immediate problem, but also take a case history of past illnesses,familial tendencies, and aim to determine a complete picture of the patient’s health.In this way acupuncture has always been used as a preventative medicine and can bring positive benefits to almost any illness.
How it works ?
Traditional Chinese Medicine(TCM) describes pathways of energy flowing through the body, carrying nourishment and information to all tissues and organs.
Disease occurs when some factor disrupts the normal flow of life force.The role of the acupuncturist is to restore the normal flow of life forces and re-establish health.
Rigorous scientific research has also confirmed that acupuncture promotes the production of natural healing substances to relieve pain, regulate nerve transmission, enhance the immune system,regulate hormones and blood flow, release natural anti-inflammatories, relax muscle spasm and elevate mood.