Treatment by acupuncture consists of the insertion of fine needles into a few carefully points on the body. The number of needles used varies from two or three to ten or more. The total number of treatments required depends on the patient and the condition being treated.
A typical treatment may include moxibustion(warming of the acupuncture needles), acupressure, Chinese herbal medicine and dietary advice and/or Chinese remedial exercise.
There is no age limit for treatment.It is important to advise the practitioner if you are pregnant but pregnancy does not preclude acupuncture or benefits. Babies and children may be treated with acupressure in lieu of the use of needles.
Needle sterilisation practiced by registered acupuncturists complies with standards set by the New Zealand Department of Health.
Please inform your practitioner if you are pregnant, have a history of HIV or Hepatitis or other medical conditions!
Conditions treated with Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine
TCM doctors use acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine to treat almost every disease in China. And TCM can treat Post Covid-19 syndromes very well.
The following list is an example of conditions treated based on recommendations of the World Health Organisation, available scientific literature in the field and consistent with what is taught in acupuncture colleges.
Low back pain,tennis elbow, knee strain, neck/shoulder pain, sciatica, arthritis, joint swelling/pain, thoracic pain, muscle strain, hip pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, wrist strain, sacroiliac pain, sports injuries.
Sinusitis, hay fever, common cold, bronchitis, asthma, cough, painful respiration, nosebleed.
Constipation, irritable bowel syndrome, olitis, diarrhoea, nausea, abdominal pain, gastritis, haemorrhoids.
Angina, palpitations, high and low blood pressure.
Women’s health
Painful periods, premenstrual syndrome, excessive menstrual bleeding, irregular menstruation, menopausal syndrome, fertility disorders.
Morning sickness, foetal malposition, insufficient lactation, pregnancy tune-up assistance with deliveries.
Headaches, migraine, trigeminal neuralgia, shingles, meniere’s disease, ear pain, post-stroke syndrome, bell’s palsy, tinnitus, hemiplegia.
Metabolic disorders
Low energy,insomnia,chronic fatigue syndrome, adrenal insufficiency, hormonal irregularities.
Psychological disorders
Post-traumatic stress, smoking/drug addiction, anxiety, depression, erectile dysfunction.
Sports performance/enhancement, skin disorders, prostate problems, cystitis.